メールで文化交流 How to use this


 This is the page which my school's students use to exchange emails.
There are some students who are interested to do this. They can choose the themes,topics,daily life and cultures. Of course they can also use the pictures in it. Why don't you take part in this group?
  Staff kuboken2@nifty.com   




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Spring has come(桜の季節です)

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 The flowering cherry blooms in early April. (4月は,桜の季節です)
It blooms for about one week. (1年待って,開花したら1週間くらいで終わってしまいます)
So that's one of the reasons why we Japanese people loved it.(桜が好きな理由の1つです)
Cherry-blossom-viewing parties are popular in Japan. They enjoy picnicking and drinking with family and friends beneath the cherry trres.(多くの人が,家族や友達と一緒に,桜の木の下で花見をします) 

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