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 This is the page which my school's students use to exchange emails.
There are some students who are interested to do this. They can choose the themes,topics,daily life and cultures. Of course they can also use the pictures in it. Why don't you take part in this group?
  Staff kuboken2@nifty.com   




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Famous Places(人気な場所)

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We enjoyed the holidays in Japan(-1/7). We will show you the places which are famous for the tourists in Tsuchiura.
 This picture is a shrine which is a traditional house and from Shinto.At the entrance,you can see a special gateway. 
 Long time ago,there was a castle built here but you can only see the old gate. Now this is a park.
  There are some old houses around here. This is one of them and called "Yaguchi house"which is  a liquor shop now.This was built 200 years ago and some family members are living in that house.
This is a water mill wheel. This is in Komachinosato Park. This was useful for milling  rice and wheat.
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