メールで文化交流 How to use this


 This is the page which my school's students use to exchange emails.
There are some students who are interested to do this. They can choose the themes,topics,daily life and cultures. Of course they can also use the pictures in it. Why don't you take part in this group?
  Staff kuboken2@nifty.com   




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Happy new year!!(あけましておめでとうございます)

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 Thank you very much for showing us the picture.  We also celebrate Christmas. We do the same thing as you. And we have a decorated cake. Do you have it in your country? There is a little difference between Japan and Germany.   
New Year observances are the most important and most elaborate of Japan's annual events.
 The first day of the year is usually spent with members of the family. People also visit  Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines.You will find many people in the picture.
23:21 | 投票する | 投票数(1) | コメント(1)
interact012016/02/24 03:31:58
Woah the cake looks really delicious *-*
But no we don't have christmas cakes ^^