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 This is the page which my school's students use to exchange emails.
There are some students who are interested to do this. They can choose the themes,topics,daily life and cultures. Of course they can also use the pictures in it. Why don't you take part in this group?
  Staff kuboken2@nifty.com   




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Christmas in Germany(ドイツのクリスマス)

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In Germany we celebrate Christmas on the 24th of December.
It is a feast for the family and christians celebrate the birth of Jesusu Christ.
Many families go to the chruch in the evening and have a great dinner usually after church.
After Dinner we exchange presents with our family members, with friends a few days later, depending on the day we meet again with them.
Between the 20th and 24th we put up a christmas tree and decorate it with lights, christmas balls and what not.
It is great a great celebration and especially children love christmas. (Our christmas tree is in the picture)

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